Friday, November 10, 2017

Remarkable Scene: Shattered Glass

Warning: Spoiler Alert! (Stop reading now if you have not yet watched the film... But still, it's up to you... :D)

Shattered Glass was based on a true story but I was not expecting that the protagonist in this film will turn out as antagonist in the end. We all hate liars, and that Stephen Glass (the main character of the film) was not just a liar, he's a perfect liar. The kind of liar that would make another lie just to justify or cover the lies he had made. I HATE THAT KIND OF PERSON and I DON'T ALLOW THEM IN MY LIFE ANYMORE ONCE THEY GET BUSTED. I freaking hate how they can lie to you so perfectly. And to top it all, this guy worked in a world where truth and facts is a must, and is highly expected from them.

And since, I don't know nor have any idea about Stephen Glass, I have no idea how the story will turn out. And while I am watching the film, I was expecting that somehow things will be justified for the guy: that he has just been fooled by a source or something like that; that he did it on purpose to show or prove something regarding the world of journalism; that it was his first time to do such act; that he was really incapable of lying. But nah.

Anyway, although I hate those kind of jerks, I must admit that we all have flaws. We all have our favorite sin, some just sin differently. Or maybe it's a kind of sickness that they should be healed from. And still, we can learn something from the film, especially those aspiring journalists. :D

Below are scenes that somehow match the name of this blogsite :D

1. Reality can be so funny...

2. Her question will give a different meaning once you re-watched the film.

3. The word "influence" -- one of the main objectives in writing (well, at least for me)

4. Well, this is based on truth and facts. :D

5. He did his best, and tried more... I guess, Stephen didn't realize that.

6. Your friends? They will even defend you. But in the end, they'll discover that they too have been fooled.

I feel sorry for Stephen. I've watched some of his interviews and I felt sad for the consequences of what he had done. But that is what sin can do to us. They can break us; shatter us like glasses. And before that thing happen to you, might as well stop now and quit sinning. It is hard but God is just a call away. And redemption is always at hand. You just have to decide to be redeemed. And this is based on truth and facts, whether you accept it or not. :)

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